Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013



Once upon a time, on 910-850 BC there lived ahandsome man named prophet Ilyas bin Yasinor Elijah in Ba’labak, a place in Lebanon. Elijah was the child of Israel, fourth son of Prophet Harun (PBUH).His people were Fenisia people who worshiped of Ba'al statues. Allah ordered Elijah toinvite his family and Fenisia people to leave the worship of statues and only worship to Allah, or in other word, Elijah had to invite them to be moslems.
Elijah never gave up to call his people to leave paganism or the worshipers of idols, but they were very defiant and mocked him. Elijah killed the prophet of ba’al. King Ahab and his wife Izaibil were very angry with him to hear that, because they were worshipers ofba’al.Theyplanned to kill Elijah. Elijah escaped to JabalTsur (Sinai mountain), because he was afraid to be killed by them. The angles gave him bread and water. Then, Allah punished the pagansby the arrival of the long dry season for many years . There was no water at all. Crops and livestocks died lying, people felt difficult to get waterfor drinking, so they were very miserable. Most of them got many of diseases, and died.
Then the pagans remembered Elijah, so they came to him and asked, “Elijah, please pray to your God  for the rain, I promised surely to repent and follow your teachings for worshiping Allah.”Elijah prayed and the heavy rain cameimmadietly. All of the agricultural landswere back to normal, Lebanon’s economy rised quickly, and the situation became peaceful again.
After they lived normally, they broke their promises and returned to worshiping idols.Consequently, the other punishment of Allahcame suddenly . They got very powerful earthquake; as a result, they died directly . Only prophet Ilyas and his followers were saved by Allah. They lived happily ever after.


Social Function: to amuse or entertain the readers and to deal with actual or various experience in different ways;  Narratives deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds its resolution.
Sees the scene and introduces the participants.
(can be paragraph, a picture or opening chapter) in which the narrator tells the audience about who in the story, whenthe sory is taking place and where the action is happening.
Once upon a time, on 910-850 BD[5] there lived[1]a handsome man3 named prophet Ilyas bin Yasin or Elijah[2] in Ba’labak, a place in Lebanon[5]. Elijah was[1] the child of Israel, fourth son of Prophet Harun (PBUH).His people were[1]Fenisia people who worshiped[1] of Ba'al statues. Allah ordered[1]Elijah toinvite his familyand Fenisia people to leave the worship of statues and only worship to Allah, or in other word, Elijah had to[1]invite them to be moslems.

1.      Use of Past Tense
2.      Focus on specific and usually individualized Participant
e.g. Prophet Ilyas
3.      The use of noun phrases
4.      The use of connectives and conjunction
5.      The use of adverbial phrases of time and place
A crisis arises
That sets off a chain of events that influence what will happen in the story
Elijah never gave up[1] to call his people to leave paganism or the worshipers of idols, but they were[1] very defiant and mocked1 him. Elijah killed[1,6] the prophet of ba’al. King Ahab and his wife Izaibilwere1very angry[9]with him to hear[10] that, because they were[1]worshipersofba’al.Theyplanned[1,6] to kill Elijah. Elijah escaped[1,6] to JabalTsur (Sinai mountain), because he was[1]afraid[9] to be killed by them. The angles gave1 him bread and water. Then, Allah punished[1,6]the pagansby the arrival of the long dry season[3] for many years . There was[1] no water at all. Crops and livestocksdied[1] lying, people felt[1,8]difficult to get water for drinking, so they were[1] very miserable. Most of them got many of diseases, and died[1].

6.      The use of material process (action verbs)
7.      The use of saying verbs
8.      The use of thinking verbs,
9.      The use of feeling verbs,
10.  verbs of senses
The crisis is solved, for better or for worse.
In which the characters finally sort out or solve the complication
Then[4] the pagansremembered[1,6]Elijah , so they came1,6to him and asked[1,6,7], “Elijah, please pray to your God  for the rain, I promised[1,6] surely to repent and follow your teachings for worshiping Allah.”Elijah prayed[1,6] andthe heavy rain[3]came[1]immadietly. All of the agricultural landswere[1]back to normal, Lebanon’s economy rised quickly, and the situation became[1] peaceful again.

After they lived[1] normally, they broke[1,6] their promises and returned[1,6] to worshiping idols.Consequently, the other punishment of Allahcame[1] suddenly . They got[1]very powerful earthquake[3]; as a result, they died[1] directly. Only prophet Ilyas and his followers were saved[1] by Allah. They lived[1] happily ever after.

That provides a comment or moral based on what has been learned from the story
1.      As moslems, we don’t permitted to worship other Allah (paganism)
2.      We have to follow our prophets
3.      Don’t act the bad things, because Allah will give you punishments
4.      Never mock someone
5.      Don’t be evil, tell lies, and break your promises
6.      Don’t do the same faults after you repent
7.      Be patience to face your problems
8.      Let’s improve our behavior to be better again.

I.       Answer the questions below with the appropriate answers based on the story.
1.      Where did Elijah live?
2.      Was Elijah the fourth son or the first son of prophet Harun (PBUH)?
3.      Who were the people of Elijah?
4.      Did Elijah invite his family and his people to be moslems?
5.      Did Elijah give up to call his people to leave paganism or the worshipers of idols?
6.      Were the evil pagans mocked Elijah or they followed him?
7.      Who were planned to kill Elijah and why did they do like that?
8.      How did Allah punish the evil pagansat first and howwere the conditions?
9.      Did the evil pagans remember prophet Ilyas (PBUH) after got the first punishment?
10.  Did they want to Elijah prayed for the rain?
11.  Did the rain come heavily or drizzle?
12.  What did happen after the heavy rain came immadiately?
13.  Did they return to worshiping idols or Allah after live peacefully ?
14.  What did they get as the next punishment from Allah?
15.  Were only prophet Ilyas (PBUH) and his followers saved by Allah?

II.                Fill in the blank with the appropriate answer
(1). . . . . , on 910-850 BD there lived a handsome man named prophet Ilyas bin Yasin or Elijah in Ba’labak, a place in Lebanon. Elijah was the child of Israel, fourth son of Prophet Harun (PBUH).His people were Fenisia people who worshiped of Ba'al statues. Allah ordered Elijah (2) . . . . . his family and Fenisia people to leave the worship of statues and only worship to Allah, or in other word, Elijah had to invite them to be moslems.
Elijah never gave up to call his people to leave paganism or the worshipers of idols, but they were very defiant and mocked him. Elijah killed the prophet of ba’al. King Ahab and his wife Izaibil were very (3) . . . . . with him to hear that, because they were worshipers ofba’al.Theyplanned to kill Elijah. Elijah escaped to JabalTsur (Sinai mountain), because he was afraid to be killed by them. The angles gave him bread and water. Then, Allah punished the pagansby the arrival of the long dry season for many years . There was no water at all. Crops and livestocks died lying, people felt difficult to get water for drinking, so they were very miserable. Most of them got many of diseases, and died.
Then the pagans remembered Elijah , so they came to him and asked, “Elijah, please pray to your God  for the rain, I promised surely to repent and follow your teachings for worshiping Allah.”Elijah prayed and the heavy rain cameimmadietly. All of the agricultural landswere back to normal, Lebanon’s economy rised (4) . . . . . , and the situation became peaceful again.
After they lived normally, they broke their promises and returned to worshiping idols.Consequently, the other punishment of Allahcame suddenly . They got very (5) . . . . . . . earthquake; as a result, they died directly . Only prophet Ilyas and his followers were saved by Allah. They lived happily ever after.

a.       proud                                                   f. to call
b.      trivial                                                   g. hard                        
c.       A long time ago                                  h. fast
d.      improve                                               i. crude
e.       Look black                                          j. strong

III.             Match the following sentences
1.      Worshiper of Idols                                          a. Elijah and his followers
2.      The relationship between Elijah and Harun    b. paganism
3.      The pagans’ planning                                      c. long dry season
4.      There was no water at all                                d. 4th son of Harun                 
5.      Saved from the earthquake                             e. kill Elijah
IV.             Find the meaning of the new vocabularies below in your dictionary.
1.      Mock
2.      escape
3.      Crop
4.      Miserable
5.      Disease

a.       Pious                                                         f. run away
b.      Field                                                          g. trust
c.       Unhappiness                                              h. danger
d.      Safe                                                           i. insult
e.       Illness                                                        j. harvest

V.                Write down the new sentences using the same structures in Past tense.

Elijah (invite) his family and his people to leave the worship of statues and only worship to Allah.
Answer:Elijah invited his family and his people to leave the worship of statues and only to Allah.

1.      I (study) Geography yesterday with a handsome teacher from Jakarta.
2.      All of the agricultural lands(be) back to normal.
3.      When I (arrive), my mother (be sleep) on the bedroom, my father(be read) the newspaper, and my sister (be do) her homework in the living room.
4.      Elijah and his followers (not) die in the powerful earthquake.
5.      My math note book (be find) by Alicia at the school mosque. (passive voice)

VI.             Arrange and then write down the sentences below into a good paragraph based on the story!
1.      Allah punished the pagansby the arrival of the long dry season for many years.
2.      So, Elijah invited his family to leave the worship of statues and only worship to Allah, or in other word, Elijah invited them to be moslems.
3.      Elijah prayed and the heavy rain cameimmadietly.
4.      They broke their promises, and returned to worshiping idols.
5.      But, the evil pagans were very defiant and mocked himand even planned to kill Elijah.
6.      The Prophet Ilyas (PBUH) and his followers were saved only by Allah.
7.      Prophet Ilyas (PBUH) was the fourth son of Prophet Harun (PBUH) and his followers were called worshipers of Ba'al statues.
8.      They came to him and asked him to pray for the rain and promised surely to repent, follow the teachings of Elijah, and worship only to Allah.
9.      All of the agricultural landswere back to normal, Lebanon’s economy rised quickly, and the situation became peaceful again .
10.  They got very powerful earthquake; as a result, they died directly.

***Good Luck***


I.                   Answering the questions based on the story.
1.      Elijah lived in Ba’labak, a place in Lebanon.
2.      Elijahwas the fourth descendant of prophet Harun (PBUH).
3.      The people of Elijah were Fenisia people who worshiped of Ba'al statues.
4.      Yes, he did. Elijah invited his family to be moslems.
5.      No, he didn’t.Elijah never gave up to call his people to leave paganisma or the worshipers of idols.
6.      Yes, they were. The evil pagans were very defiant and mocked him.
7.      King Ahab and his wife Izaibilplanned to kill Elijah, because they were worshipers ofba’al, so they were very angry with him when they heard that Elijah killed the prophet of ba’al.
8.      Allah punishedthe evil pagansat first by the arrival of the long dry season for many years and the conditions were there was no water at all, crops and livestocks died lying, people felt difficult to get water for drinking, so they were very miserable. Most of them got many of diseases, and died.
9.      Yes, they did. The evil pagans remembered prophet Ilyas (PBUH) after got the first punishment.
10.  Yes, they did. They wanted to Elijah prayed for the rain.
11.  The rain came heavily immadietly.
12.  After the heavy rain cameimmadaitely, all of the agricultural landswere back to normal, Lebanon’s economy rised quickly, and the situation became peaceful again.
13.  After got peaceful life, they returned to worshiping idols.
14.  As the next punishment from Allah, they got very powerful earthquake; as a result, they died directly.
15.  Yes, they were.Prophet Ilyas (PBUH) and his followers were savedonly by Allah.

II.                Filling in the blank with the appropriate answer
1.      c. a long time ago
2.      f. to call
3.      e. look black at
4.      h. fast
5.      j. strong

III.             Matching the sentences on the left row with the appropriate sentences on the right row
1.      b. paganism
2.      d. 4th son of Harun
3.      e. kill Elijah
4.      c. long dry season
5.      a. Elijah and his followers

IV.             Finding the meanings of the new vocabularies on the dictionary
1.      i. insult
2.      f. run away
3.      j. harvest
4.      c. unhappiness
5.      e. illness

V.                Writing down the new sentences using the same structures in Past tense.
1.      I studied Geography yesterday with a handsome teacher from Jakarta.
2.      All of the agricultural landswereback to normal .
3.      When I arrived, my mother was sleepingon the bedroom, my fatherwas readingthe newspaper, and my sister was doingher homework in the living room.
4.      Elijah and his followers did not die in the powerful earthquake.
5.      My math note book was foundby Alicia at the school mosque.

VI.             Arranging and writing down the sentences into a good paragraph.


Prophet Ilyas (PBUH) was the fourth son of Prophet Harun (PBUH) and his followers were called worshipers of Ba'al statues. So, Elijah invited his family to leave the worship of statues and only worship to Allah, or in other word, Elijah invited them to be moslems. But, the evil pagans were very defiant and mocked himand even planned to kill Elijah. Allah punished the pagansby the arrival of the long dry season for many years.They came to him and asked him to pray for the rain and promised surely to repent, follow the teachings of Elijah, and worship only to Allah.Elijah prayed and the heavy rain cameimmadietly. All of the agricultural landswere back to normal, Lebanon’s economy rised quickly, and the situation became peaceful again .They broke their promises, and returned to worshiping idols. They got very powerful earthquake; as a result, they died directly.The Prophet Ilyas (PBUH) and his followers were saved only by Allah.


Laily Nur Iffah Sari


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