Sabtu, 13 September 2014

Debate (Negative Team)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen
Honorable to the adjudicator, chair person, time keeper, secretary, my beloved affirmative team from CLEOPATRA TEAM, and all of the audience. Thank you for the opportunity that given to us to participate in this English debating class. We’re negative team from HERO TEAM. Let’s me to introduce my team.
Me as the first speaker, my name is Laily Nur Iffah Sari. I will talk about psychology and economy point of view. Our second speaker is Karimatul Amanah, she will deliver about health procedure and children safe zone point of view. And our third speaker is Angga Alvian, he will support our team with his strong evidence and fresh ideas. Last, for the reply speech will be give by first or second speaker.

Ladies and Gentlemen and the members of the house,
I’m standing here right now absolutely to against the motion today that is “decision about children health should be made by medical professional and not bt their parents”. We are as the the negative team absolutely disagree with this motion for some reasons. Before I deliver my arguments, ladies and gentlemen, first, I will rebute my opponent's argument from the affirmative first speaker.
The opposition claims that the doctor is more capable than parents for making decision about children health. On the one hand, glance that your proposal appeared reasonable enough as there are plenty of incompetent parents; on the other hand, parents are the most people who understand children health since they were unborn and have the responsibility to control and decide all of their life including protection and helath. Parents psychologically understand what the children need and complain about their health. Although medical professional can give the children’s health analysis, they can do nothing before the parents give egreeing what the decision about their children according their perception and economy like what I want to say. From this case, the idea of forcing parents to listen to doctors is absurd or not logical, so taking health decision for children from the medical professional is not accepted.

Ladies and gentlemen and the members of the house,
I personally believe that children decision should be made by their parents, not by medical professional. In this case, the meaning of children is child being under 21 years old.  Then about health can be defined as any medical procedure or action. Also medical professionals can be defined as liscenced doctors in the concerned field, generally to pediatricitons, and the parents is parents who are the legal guardians of the child.
Please accept my argument for why parents should make the children’s health decision in psychologycal point of view. Psychology is the scientific study of the way the human mind works and how it influences behaviour, or the influence of a particular person's character on their behaviour. Psychologically, according to Mc Milley research showed that parents are the most people who understand their children because they have much interaction with them everyday than others.
For example, ladies and gentlemen, when a child is getting fever and the doctor suggest that he should be hospitalized, surely the decision will be made by their parents because parents understand what he need and what the best way for him. Parents will decide whether or not he will be hospitalized or getting treatment at home, moreover the parents can make decision where the child will be hospitalized if he need. In short, medical professional only give the analysis and suggestion about children health, but they do not have responsibility to decide everything. And the people who have responsibility to make their health’s decision are their parents.

Well, ladies and gentlemen from the economy point of view, economy aspect is everything that have relationship with family’s economy condition. Wikipedia defines that economy generally is the management of family. It showed that all of that happened in family should be manage by themselves, including children should be control or manage by their parents. There are many of economy  indicator, there are job, family income, family burdens, family insurance, and society. According to  Elvistron Juliwanto tesis in 2008, explained that parents’ economy condition tends to influence them to make decision of their children’s health. The factors includes low family income where people do not have enough money to get the safe and good quality of health treatment. Lower income of parents makes they cannot afford to give the best way or agree with all of the doctor’s decision for their children health. Whatever that doctor decide for children’s health, he cannot do that without the agreeing of parents, and parents truly produce the decision according to their economy ability or condition.
Take for example, ladies and gentlemen, when a child is diagnosed has a lungs cancer and the doctor decide that operation is the best way, but the parents do not have enough money for pay it, I personally believe that they won’t agree with the doctor for they also cannot afford for the operation. They will choose one way from many other alternative ways that appropriate with their condition, for instance they will take their child to do alternative or traditional treatment which is cheaper than medical operation. So, in this case the decision about children health should be made by their parents because the decision should be appropriated with the family ability or economy condition.
Ladies and gentlemen, from psychology and economy point of view that I have mentioned above, once again I against and disagree with the motion that the children health decision should be made by the medical professional, and not by their parents.

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